Small Square Case Counters
A very popular family of flange mount case, 5-figure non-reset totalizers. All models feature a scratch resistant front crystal, smooth low torque operation, and dust resistant construction. Models are available with input shaft drives which count from a ratcheting motion, or rotary drives with count per revolution ratios of 1:1, 10:1, or 1:10.
C628 Series AWESOME Display Counters and Meters
The C628 Elapsed Timers is a member of a family of 1/8 DIN instruments which offer breakthrough display technology as well as easy-to-program user setup. Its large LED display features the ability to change color based on process status such as exceeding the preset value.
A103 Series Counters and Meters
The A103 Present Counters are amazingly compact in size and low in cost, with a full complement of popular features. In addition to the preset counter models shown here, the A103 series also includes matching indicators for count-totalizing, timing, and rate/speed metering, as well as preset-timer models.
Mechanical Hubodometers
The standard Veeder-Root hubodometer is mechanical and has rugged, reliable operation for all applications. The hermetically sealed case is filled with inert gas and a double O-ring protects the unit in any environment. The proper ratio must be selected based on the rolling circumference of the tire that is mounted on the same axle on which the unit is mounted. A guide to the ratio for most available tire sizes is available.